Hoe activeer ik mijn LU-Card? Om gebruik te kunnen maken van onze services, is het belangrijk dat je in het bezit bent van een LU-Card. Deze heb je nodig om boeken te lenen, te printen en te kopiëren, en om toegang tot de Universiteitsbibliotheek en Bibliotheek Rechten te krijgen.


Tax cards - application, registration of a tax deduction or correction. Requesting and/or amending a tax card as a non-resident employee or pensioner; Choosing between joint taxation or individual taxation as a married taxpayer; Change in personal circumstances. Tax implications in the event of marriage

To gain access, you must first sign an agreement and you will then receive a personal security card, password and information on how to use our Internet bank services. If there is more than one account holder, each account holder will receive his/her personal security card and password. ID card. This section only concerns Luxembourgers abroad who apply for their ID card at an embassy. The Passport Office in Luxembourg is not responsible for ID cards.

Lu card services

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Je moet je LU-Card voor gebruik eerst laten activeren bij een LU-Card Steunpunt (zie het contactblok op deze pagina). Hiervoor heb je een legitimatiebewijs nodig. Diefstal of verlies Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. -5 p.m.

Je ontvangt de LU-Card binnen 5 tot 10 werkdagen op je postadres. Uitzondering: HOVO. HOVO-studenten kunnen een LU-Card laten maken in de UBL. Activeren. Je moet je LU-Card voor gebruik eerst laten activeren bij een LU-Card Steunpunt (zie het contactblok op deze pagina). Hiervoor heb je een legitimatiebewijs nodig. Diefstal of verlies

Kontakta oss om du vill veta mer. When a card is not in use, all card-holder information such as card number, name, expiration date, and CVC/CVV does not appear on the screen.

https://crcservice.med.lu.se/index_en.htm. RSID card - for Region Skåne employees with a dual role. The RSID card is issued by the hospital.

Go to one of the helpdesks. A new LU-Card costs € 15. Vi finns för dig för att du ska kunna koncentrera dig på din forskning, undervisning och utbildning. LU Service sköter bland annat post- och budhantering, parkeringstillstånd och lokalvård; vi trycker böcker, ordnar konferenser, säljer presenter, lagar det som gått sönder samt ger gästforskare en varm säng att sova i. Och mycket mer därtill.

Lu card services

Overview · Issuing Processing · Overview Issuing Processing · Credit Card  The myCard student card of secondary schools is valid for free travel on cross- border lines 78, 168, 182, 183, 187, 537 and 686. To travel on other RegioZone  Visa Classic · Assistance services · Outstanding balance insurance in the event of a fatal accident · Repatriation of the insured patient/injured and other accident   LU-Card. All employees at the University can apply for a LU-Card: this is a personal card for staff of Leiden University. It gives you access to particular buildings  Why don't you join them?
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Your LU-Card is faulty or there is another reason. Go to one of the helpdesks. A new LU-Card costs € 15. The LU-card is a personal access card that students and employees need to access the different facilities at Lund University.

The LU card has its own website compiling all the information you need about the card. LU card website.
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LU-Card. All employees at the University can apply for a LU-Card: this is a personal card for staff of Leiden University. It gives you access to particular buildings and car parks and to the University Library, and you can use it to print and make copies. The card also serves as an identity card for the University, but it is not proof of enrolment.

Tax implications in the event of marriage The purchase of a 1, 2 or 3-day card gives you free admission to more than 60 museums and tourist attractions nationwide. Museums, castles, leisure facilities… The LuxembourgCard is your guarantee of a rich and diverse Luxembourg experience. Especially because all public transport is free! LU Conferences offers conference services that include everything from premises, technical solutions and refreshments to printed material, pens and accommodation.